5 types of vegetables that help stimulate breast milk

The first 6 months is an important period in which the baby must get enough food from its mother. Especially during the period of colostrum that flows out in the first 1-3 days after birth. Colostrum contains lactoferrin, a protein found in breast milk that acts as an antibacterial agent. Therefore helping to strengthen the immune system of the baby. And what are the foods to increase milk supply for mothers who have low milk supply?
Today I have an answer for you at ยูฟ่าเบท
- Banana blossom is high in calcium, protein, iron, phosphorus, vitamin E, beta-carotene, cures stomach and intestinal diseases, nourishes the blood, and stimulates milk production. Can be used to make food such as banana blossom curry. Banana blossom salad, boiled with chili paste, fried banana blossoms, or fried banana blossoms.
- Ginger contains protein, fat, calcium, vitamins A, B1, B2, carbohydrates, helps expel gas, relieves nausea, and digests fat well. Reduce intestinal compression Relieves abdominal pain, sweating, and increases blood circulation. And makes milk flow well as well Can be used to prepare many dishes such as porridge, minced pork and ginger vegetables, boiled lotus in ginger water. or hot ginger ale
- Holy basil leaves are high in iron, calcium, phosphorus, and dietary fiber. The heat from the basil leaves increases blood circulation. Helps produce more milk, relieves bloating, flatulence, colds, nausea, and vomiting. Can use to prepare curry and stir-fry dishes such as curry with basil leaves, stir-fried with basil, jungle curry or various spicy stir-fries. Using mild pepper instead of bird’s eye chili to avoid the spicy taste.
- Pumpkin contains vitamins A, B, C, phosphorus, and beta-carotene, which helps to expel milk and helps build collagen under the skin. Can use to cook many dishes such as fried pumpkin with eggs, liang curry, pumpkin ordination curry, pumpkin soup.
- Chives provide calcium, phosphorus, iron, carbohydrates, beta-carotene, vitamin C, helping to expel milk, relieve bloating, flatulence, and expel gas. Used in cooking such as Pad Thai with chives Or you can take fresh leaves and eat them with other foods.