What to do. When bitten by a poisonous animal

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What to do. When bitten by a poisonous animal.

During the rainy season and flooding, what follows the water are various animals, both dangerous and non-dangerous, that like to escape the water and secretly stay in our homes. or living in a flood source which animals These things put us at risk. So before we get bitten by the animals that come with the rainy season, let’s explore what animals come with the rainy season. So that we can be prepared and know how to provide basic first aid when bitten by those animals. Report from ufabet https://ufabet999.com

 1. Snakes

the most dangerous poisonous animals. who like to escape the water and live in people’s houses Or like to curl up in your shoes? or coming out of the toilet The main venomous snakes found in Thailand are divided into:

  • Poisonous snakes that affect the nervous system, such as cobras, king cobras, Thap Samingkala snakes, and krait snakes. These snakes cause muscle weakness.
  • Snakes that are poisonous to the blood system, such as the viper and rattlesnake, are snake venom that causes increased blood clotting. The blood doesn’t stop flowing.
  • Venomous snakes that affect the muscular system, such as sea snakes, cause severe muscle pain.

First aid method

  1. Hurry and take the patient to see a doctor. and memorize the appearance of the snake that bit or take a picture of it for accuracy in treatment
  2. Wash the bite area with clean water or a disinfectant such as alcohol or iodine tincture.
  3. Keep the bitten area of ​​movement to a minimum. The splint can be made using a wooden board or a piece of cardboard. and close the wound with gauze
  4. Do not cut or suck the bitten area. and should not use herbal poultices Because it makes the wound dirty and become infected. and may later develop tetanus
  5. Shouldn’t be tightened if you don’t know how to tighten it properly. This may cause the bitten area to become more swollen and necrotic.

2. Centipedes  

are poisonous animals that live in humid places. And live in many places such as under the bark of trees, digging holes in the soil when the water level rises until it floods the habitat. Centipedes may escape water and reach people’s residences. The poison is usually not life-threatening. Severity depends on the size of the centipede bite. Most symptoms include pain, itching, swelling, redness and heat in the bitten area. A low-grade fever may also be present and symptoms usually improve within 24 hours.

First aid method

  1. Clean the bitten area with clean water.
  2. You can apply cold water for about 10 minutes at a time to reduce pain.
  3. Avoid scratching or picking at the bitten area. To reduce the risk of re-infection
  4. If you have pain, you can take paracetamol to relieve the pain.
  5. You should see your doctor if you notice any symptoms. that gets worse or starts to feel like the skin in the area is infected, including redness, swelling, or increased pain There are blisters or fluid on the area of ​​the wound.
  6. In cases with severe allergic reactions such as Swelling in the face, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, dizziness. Nausea, vomiting, shock, loss of consciousness. Hurry and take the patient to the nearest hospital.

3. Scorpions  Scorpions are venomous animals that like to live in dark and moist places such as under leaves, under rocks, or digging holes. Scorpions are venomous animals with 4 pairs of legs. The front legs are large muscles. The tail is segmented. And the last segment has a poisonous gland and the end of the segment has an organ used for stinging.

Most symptoms are mild, such as pain, swelling, redness, and heat in the stung area. The symptoms are worse on the first day and usually go away on their own. For those with severe symptoms There may be a rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, and high blood pressure. muscle and bone pain

First aid method

  1. Clean the bitten area with clean water.
  2. You can apply a cold compress for about 10 minutes at a time to reduce local swelling.
  3. If you have pain, you can take paracetamol to relieve the pain.

4. Rove beetles  are small insects. Adults have a body length of approximately 7-10 millimeters. They are about one and a half times larger than mosquitoes. The head is black and the body and abdomen are orange. Except for the last segment of the abdomen, which is black. When perched on the ground, the abdomen will be bent and shake up and down. They live in moist areas near water sources, rice fields, or in the grass. There are often outbreaks of poisoning in the rainy season.

Exposure to toxins from this type of insect May occur at night This type of insect likes to play with lights, so it often flies into houses with lights on. It may then stick to the body, arms, legs, neck, face. When a person brushes, slaps, hits, or crushes the insect or its remains, it will release liquid. Making it toxic to the skin, the toxins cause rashes, blisters, burning pain, itching, and may spread wherever the toxins flow. At times, the rash has a linear appearance. In severe cases, there may also be a fever. Such a rash is seen in the morning. Such rashes and blisters often break. Makes the skin look like it’s been scalded by hot water. It usually goes away in 1-2 weeks.

First aid method

  1. In the case of knowing immediately after touching Immediately wash the affected area with clean water.
  2. When you see or are hit by this type of insect on your body, do not hit. or crush with bare hands Because it will cause toxins to come into contact with the skin. Use a cloth or paper to remove the insect and rinse the affected area with clean water as soon as possible.
  3. If the rash is very severe, it may require medical treatment and medication.