Did you know? Elderly people are at risk of “pneumonia” from the flu.

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Did you know? Elderly people are at risk of “pneumonia” from the flu.

Diseases for the elderly, in addition to common chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, influenza is also a danger that often occurs, especially during the change of seasons. If there is no prevention or proper treatment, the severity of the disease may increase, causing pneumonia and eventually death. Today, we have methods to prevent for all elderly people.

  • Elderly people should always take care of their health by eating healthy food, using serving spoons, avoiding spicy and high-fat food, drinking enough water and resting, and exercising regularly.
  • Avoid being near people who have colds or flu.
  • Avoid contact with sick people and avoid sharing personal items with others.Reduce going out to crowded places during cold or flu outbreaks.
  • Get vaccinated against influenza every year because the virus is constantly mutating. The effectiveness of the vaccine can prevent influenza by about 70-80%. It should be vaccinated before the rainy season around May-June, which is the period when influenza is prevalent.
  • Get vaccinated against the bacteria that cause bacterial pneumonia.

Pneumonia caused by bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics in the form of oral or injected medication. The doctor will consider the treatment method based on the severity of the disease. Generally, after taking antibiotics, symptoms will improve within 2-3 days. Whereas, for pneumonia caused by viruses, treatment will be based on the symptoms. If the symptoms are not severe, 


Pneumonia is a common illness that affects ทางเข้า ufabet millions of people each year in the United States. Germs called bacteria, viruses, and fungi may cause pneumonia. In adults, bacteria are the most common cause.

Pneumonia can be caused by many types of germs.

  • The most common type of bacteria is Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus).
  • Atypical often called walking is caused by other bacteria.
  • A fungus call Pneumocystis jirovecii can cause in people whose immune system is not working well, especially people with advanced HIV infection.
  • Viruses, such as the flu virus, and most recently SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19), are also common causes of pneumonia.