Chronic constipation can be treated with bowel movement training

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Chronic constipation can be treated with bowel movement training

Chronic constipation is a common health problem in people of all ages and genders. Which affects both physical and mental quality of life. Often, changing eating habits and taking medication are not enough to eliminate this problem. For patients with chronic constipation, diagnosing the real cause by measuring the function of the anus and anal sphincter (Anorectal manometry) and treating with bowel training (Biofeedback Therapy) are other methods that can treat directly and sustainably.

What is potty training? Who should practice it?

In normal bowel movements, the body must tense the abdominal muscles and diaphragm to create force for defecation and relax the anal sphincter muscles to allow feces to pass. However, in patients with chronic constipation, more than 30 percent are caused by incorrect use or control of the muscles involved in defecation.

Therefore, bowel movement training is a ยูฟ่าเบท treatment for chronic constipation in this case. It is a training of the muscles involved in bowel movement to work together. It is a standard treatment method that corrects the cause. Therefore, it can treat directly and sustainably. This method is suitable for

  • Patients with chronic constipation who have had for more than 6 months and have not responded to other treatments such as behavioral modification, diet, and medication.
  • People who have chronic defecation problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and inability to hold feces.
  • People who have had pelvic surgery, which results in abnormal bowel control.
  • People who have frequent bowel movements or difficulty defecating
  • Elderly people with bowel control problems

Steps and methods for potty training

Potty training involves inserting a small tube. Approximately 6 millimeters in diameter and 10 centimeters long, into the patient’s rectum to see what kind of bowel movement abnormalities the patient has. The doctor will then explain to the patient by reading the values ​​from a graph. That appears on the screen and teach the patient the correct way to pass stool.

Preparation before toilet training

Patients do not need to prepare anything special, but doctors often recommend that:

  • No need to fast or abstain from food.
  • You do not need to stop taking your current medications. But you should inform your doctor about any medications you are taking.
  • It is recommended that you have a normal bowel movement in the morning before coming in for treatment.